Soil Minerals Resources


The Intelligent Gardener by Steve Solomon & Erica Reinheimer is the best single volume reference on soil minerals for the home gardener. If you want to learn why and how to balance your own soil, this is the place to start.

Weedless Gardening by Lee Reich covers intelligent irrigation systems, as well as mulching and raised beds.

Advancing Biological Farming: Practicing Mineralized, Balanced Agriculture to Improve Soils & Crops by Gary Zimmer is geared to farmers, but has much excellent information in it.

The Farm as Ecosystem, by Jerry Brunetti is also aimed at farmers, but if you really want to understand how all the pieces work together, this is the book to learn it from.

Soil testing lab

Logan Labs

Soil test interpreter


(Sort of) Local amendment suppliers

More Information

I may be available for as a soil consultant (after farm chores are complete!); contact me, if you are interested in having someone walk you through the entire process, including interpreting results and supplying the final soil prescription amendments.


Food Rules

Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual

Michael Pollan’s excellent guide simplifies the vexing question of how to eat healthily. “Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much.” A must read for anyone who cares about what they are putting into their bodies!